Alcohol And Cocaine

Alcohol And Cocaine

Mixing substances – how common is it? When you picture a raging party, let’s say a college party, it’s not uncommon for the media to spotlight substance use. While alcohol is the most common substance at parties like this, jokes about “doing lines in the bathroom” are not unheard of. How many people actually participate…

Signs of Alcoholism

Signs of Alcoholism

Are you regularly drinking more than you plan to when you go out for drinks with friends? Do you experience memory loss after a night of drinking? Do you start to feel anxiety, shakiness, or flu-like symptoms if you have gone too long without a drink? These are signs that you, or a person you…

Side Effects of Alcoholism

Side Effects of Alcoholism

We are all familiar with a drunk person trying, and failing miserably, to walk into a straight line. Drunken antics, a lack of inhibition, slurred speech, poor motor control, and glassy eyes are all common side effects of alcohol use and typically end with a hangover the next morning. Beyond the immediate effects, when alcohol…

Stages of Alcoholism

Stages of Alcoholism

Many see alcohol use disorder, the clinical term for alcoholism, as a binary issue. A person is either an alcoholic or they are not. According to experts, this is not an accurate representation of the spectrum of alcohol use. In the early 60’s researchers started to notice discernable stages of alcoholism. Over time, due to…

Alcohol Withdrawals

Alcohol Withdrawals

Alcohol withdrawal happens when a person that regularly consumes a significant amount of alcohol stops drinking. Chronic alcohol use causes the body’s nervous system to be constantly on high alert. This doesn’t change overnight when a person stops drinking, causing the experience known as alcohol withdrawal as the body readjusts to the “new” normal. How…

Dangers of Binge Drinking

Dangers of Binge Drinking

Binge drinking may be common, but that doesn’t mean it’s good for you. Lots of people smoke too, but we know how dangerous that is for your health. According to a 2019 report, 1 in 7 adults in New Mexico binge drinks an average of five times a month, which has a number of negative…

High-Functioning Alcoholic

High-Functioning Alcoholic

What Is a High-Functioning Alcoholic? High-functional alcoholism can look different from person to person. That being said, what makes somebody a high functioning alcoholic is the same across the board. A high functioning alcoholic is somebody who is dependent on alcohol but maintains a normative – and even successful – work and social life. From…

Alcohol Poisoning

Alcohol Poisoning

If you believe someone has alcohol poisoning, call 911 immediately. We’ve all seen someone drink more than they should. But at what point can that become life-threatening? In all honesty, it’s a pretty thin line. A few years ago, I was at a New Year’s Eve party with a few of my friends. As the…

How Many Drinks is Too Much?

How Many Drinks is Too Much?

A glass or two of red wine after dinner, a beer at the lunch meeting, a mimosa at brunch, or a nightcap right before bed. These are all forms of alcohol consumption that are not only common and acceptable, but even encouraged in some instances. While there is mixed and hotly-debated evidence showing that occasional…